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Slow Day in MMA News, Lets Talk about US!

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04.13.2011 | 11:49 AM ET

Since it's a slow day in the world of MMA, I thought it would be cool to talk about Tapology and ourselves.. anything at all regarding the same.  I'll get a brief start going..

I live in PA, am 30 and have been a fan of MMA since I was a teenager.  Work for the railroad and rarely ever miss an event regardless of promotion/stature.  I like Tapology b/c of the environment it fosters.  I wish we could edit/delete our posts... maybe have categories of threads for the forums, but all in all, I appreciate the type of place this is thus far. 

"All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved" – Sun Tzu, "The Art of War"


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04.13.2011 | 12:09 PM ET

On this slow day i am preparing to go 0 for 19 april 15th on my gfl 10 picks? I cant resist gambling and making the picks even tho it could be a huge percentage killer.

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04.13.2011 | 12:57 PM ET

Kalibo sounds like you've been watching MMA since almost the beginning of the sport huh?  Only since 2004 for me.

BTW we plan to replace the whole forum-post-builder-tool, which has some issues. As soon as we can get to that, we would also add in a feature to edit your posts.  Coming soon.

"I live, I die, I live again."

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04.13.2011 | 1:09 PM ET

Yeah.. my father was huge into boxing and when the UFC came to be, he would watch them.  One of my first memories off MMA was when Royce beat Shamrock.  I also remember Tank demolishing Matua and being a "fill in the blank".  I didn't ever get too much in to Pancrase too much though. 

Looking forward to the webiste's upgrade(s).  I run my own forums as well.  So, when was Tapology founded exactly and how?  I love the small details.. very interesting to me. 

"All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved" – Sun Tzu, "The Art of War"

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04.13.2011 | 1:18 PM ET

@kalib i like the thread!  as some of you know i started tapology with my brother gregory. it's been up and running now for a little over 5 months. i train jiu-jitsu at renzo gracie academy in new york, and i absolutely love it. however, i don't get on the mats as often as i should lately because we're putting a lot of work into the site; guys love to see me show up to train cause they know i'm an easy target to choke :)  oh well.

obviously i'm a die hard mma fan, and have been for 8-9 years now.  i'll admit i don't get as enthused about the smaller promotions as i do about ufc, strikeforce, bellator and the other big boys, and there are plenty of guys on this site that know the minors way, way better than me. but when it comes to a major show i essentially never miss one.  the first live show i saw was ufc 43:meltdown in june of 2003 (couture beat chuck liddell in the main event). strangest place i ever ordered a ppv was from an internet cafe in bangkok, which was the only way i could catch UFC 92.

as gregory just mentioned, we have a ton of improvements coming to the site, both big and small. it's a complicated website that no one has really ever tried to build before, so certain things can take longer than they should to improve.  but for people that remember how slow the site was just a couple months ago you can see the improvements, and we add little things here and there all the time. for the big new features, hopefully everyone can continue to be patient cause i know we are testing that patience!  soon enough, all will be revealed :)

for what it's worth, i don't really hate on any other mma sites.  i'm a member of sherdog and the ug and i think there are great discussions on both, as well as lots of other places.  we just wanted to do something new and different here.  probably the most important thing i'm seeing is tapology's community being cool to each other and self-policing.  we've never had to ban anyone from the forums and if everyone keeps encouraging the right attitudes, we never will.

"Damn right I like the life I live / Cause I went from negative to positive."


04.13.2011 | 2:20 PM ET

good thing you don't live in nevada. trevpicks do you have an online site you make wagers on? i live in nevada and make my bets on ufc and strikeforce. my bellator betting is on a mma wagering site. nevada has not come around to making moneylines on bellator fights yet.

04.13.2011 | 2:22 PM ET

Where in New York? I was born in NYC and raised the first 16 years of my life on long island. Then we ended up out west.
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04.13.2011 | 2:25 PM ET

cool thread!
I've been an MMA fan since about 2004 or 2005, my two older brothers would watch them and my mom wouldn't let me watch them. (too violent lol). I live in central Illinois, where i go to school at the University of Illinois. I intern for AT&T and plan to stay with them when I graduate. I would love to start training, just don't have the time right now. I love tapology because it truly is the only site where i can get a logical sensical discussion or argument about MMA. Great site, great members, Its my homepage for a reason. Keep up the good work @Gregory and @jeremy!

"Frig off, bud"

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04.13.2011 | 2:32 PM ET

I'm pretty excited to see this site grow it's very original and in due time it's going to be huge.  I can't even really remember how I found it but so far I love it.  I'm sure Sherdog and the UG were the same when they first started but what I like about it is everyone is pretty respectful to each other in the forums and it makes for better threads IMO, hopefully we all can remember this going forward and treat new members with respect.
Now a little about my self.  I'm 30 live in a smallish town in British Columbia Canada.  I got my first taste of UFC around 94 in school when we had a week of school with no classes to do a "project" on one topic I think I did mine on the NBA but my friend had these tapes of bare knuckled fights so a bunch of us sneaked into a room with a vcr and watched what turned out to be UFC 1, 2 and 3.  Watched a few more after that but kind of lost interested, but got back into it around 2002 and been a die hard since.  I'm such a die hard that I started a blog with no writing experience whatsoever but I enjoy it even if it's just my gf that reads it haha
@Jeremy how long have you trained Jiujitsu? I have about 2.5 years haven't trained for a while but am giving into the pressure from the Gracie Barra gym to start up again this spring/summer can't wait!

"My hearts pumpin' the blood of Royce Gracie My thoughts dumpin' the slug and point straightly"

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04.13.2011 | 2:34 PM ET

I've been an mma fan since the begining of 2010.I live in Columbia, Maryland. I'm thirteen years old. My first event that i watched was UFC 113. And it instantly got me hooked.I take Tang-So-Do and Jiu Jitsu three times a week and I recently got black and white belt(The ranking system is a lot different than other martial arts) I plan on one day becoming an mma fighter. Also I have a bjj tournament in may so wish me luck. :-)

"Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone lays a hand on you, send him to the cemetery."

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04.13.2011 | 3:05 PM ET

I'm Batman.

Also, I'm Canadian, 23, and have been watching MMA for about 4 years, give or take.  It's hard to really pin down when I started watching, or what event I started with, since I honestly can't remember.  I want to say UFC 74 is my first real MMA memory, since it was around my birthday at the time, and that's the clearest thing I can remember.  So, almost 4 years.  I like rambling.

"Alistair Overeem is a Dutch kickboxer who looks like someone at Marvel comics drew a man genetically engineered to f**k your girlfriend." - Cracked

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04.13.2011 | 3:09 PM ET

@wolfman i was born here in NYC, NY proper and still live here now.  probably shouldn't say where exactly or guys are gonna start showing up to crash on my couch :)

@cash been training now about 4 1/2 years.  i keep telling myself to train 3 or 4 times a week but it generally averages out to 1 or 2.  we're definitely lucky at RGA with the level of instruction.  John Danaher, Rafael Sapo, Dave Branch, and of course Renzo Gracie, Igor Gracie, Gregor Gracie, and lots of guys who roll through town to train.

@beast i hope when you're not on the forums you're in the gym training! i respect the fighters so much but i'm not sure i could ever be one myself.

"Damn right I like the life I live / Cause I went from negative to positive."

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04.13.2011 | 3:25 PM ET

@Jeremy yep you're extremely lucky to train there, i'm jealous.  As far as north american schools go that would be one of my top choices to train at.  Does Gregory train as well? of luck with your training and the bjj tourny.  I wish MMA was as big as it is now when I was your age and had the opportunities to train

"My hearts pumpin' the blood of Royce Gracie My thoughts dumpin' the slug and point straightly"

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04.13.2011 | 3:28 PM ET

nope, the only thing i train is american chop suey

"I live, I die, I live again."

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04.13.2011 | 3:46 PM ET

I'm 33 years old.  I was born in Western Kentucky, but I've lived in the NW suburbs of Chicago for the last ten years.  I'm married.  I have a 3 year old son and a 10 month old daughter. 
I'm a Maintenance Supervisor at a manufacturing facility.
I got into MMA with UFC 1 and I've been watching MMA every since.  Unfortunately for my wife :), I watch everything mma related and occasionally K-1. 

"Nothing in this world is a gift. Whatever must be learned must be learned the hard way."

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04.13.2011 | 4:14 PM ET

American chop suey is a subtle art. One only the bravest of men attempt to master.

"When a game cannot be won, change the game."

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04.13.2011 | 4:17 PM ET

I'm glad a lot of you have responded and I love the home grown start of Tapology!  I think it brings a community together to hear just a little bit about ourselves and since we're a small (now), its a great time to share.  Thanks to everyone who responded thus far!

@beast.. I agree with CashBrewyn.. I wish.  MMA just wasn't big when we were that age, so keep it up!
@Havok.. Congrats on the "new" daughter!  I am expecting a daughter June 5th!

I have taken Kenpo and Tae Kwon Do before, but haven't done anything an years. 

"All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved" – Sun Tzu, "The Art of War"

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04.13.2011 | 4:26 PM ET

Im 16 from Ireland ... Been watching MMA since UFC 116 I can only watch UFC events and maybe the odd strikeforce... I train a bit of MMA but will be doing it a lot more when im finished school I AM A GOD AT MMA! will be in UFC pre soon (Just joking by the way) .... IM having god awful luck with the mma gods recently for my top 3 fighters but il be alright with my others in top 10 haha.... Great Thread.

"I really feel like I'm the most dangerous guy out there" BJ Penn........... UFC on Fox 2 event winner :)

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04.13.2011 | 4:27 PM ET

cool thread Kalibo, we got to all have introductions and what not!
I'm 26, I live in Oakland Ca work for an internet consulting company in San Francisco. Ive been following the sport since ufc like 5 or 6. My old brother figure used to rent the VHS tapes and let me watch them when i was like 10. I remember watching Tank Abbott knock people silly. Then as i got a little older i fell out of the sport as it just was really hard to watch it and find the tapes. I got back into like in 2003 or 4, then TUF really brought me in. Now im addicted, i watch every single event i can get my hands on, regional shows, japanese, anything... I NEED MORE MMA!!! 
As for @gregory and @jeremy and Tapology, i thank the MMA Gods daily for sending you to create and bestow this amazing site onto us. I got your site off a sherdog thread when i asked someone about tracking fights for gambling. This is the best site by far and we are the greatest mma community clearly. I remember when it would take me like 3 tries to log on in the beginning and during fight nights it would be impossibly to log into the site at all. Now its like butter, im super excited for all the new features, keep um coming guys!!!

"fresh outta Oakland..."

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04.13.2011 | 4:27 PM ET

And dont pick on me cos ive been watching mma for so short haha...

"I really feel like I'm the most dangerous guy out there" BJ Penn........... UFC on Fox 2 event winner :)

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04.13.2011 | 6:54 PM ET

I like MMA.

"Are we gonna jump, or we just gonna jerk each other off?"

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